About our Pellet & Grain Burn & Floor Display Demos:

We are located off of the “beaten path” and product viewings are by appointment only!
As such our burn demos & floor display demos are not running all the time.

We have three grain / pellet “annual fixed burn demo stoves” that are ready to fire at anytime on demand that are replaced with a new model once a year.

We have up to eight pellet & grain “floor display stoves” (not hooked up to burn on demand) that we are capable of displaying burning in a matter of minutes in our stove burning test booth (every stove we sell has been test fired for a minimum of one hour to ensure quality control).

We do not have the stoves burning prior to viewings, as we prefer to take the interested customer through the complete light up, to full burn cycle of the stove they are interested in,
that way we can explain how the stove actually operates.

As such:
Our “annual fixed pellet burning demo stoves” typically are burned for less then 200 hours each a season. (Equivalent to being burned +/- 1/3 month @ 24/7).

Our most popular “annual fixed burning stove” the PC45 grain / pellet stove will typically be burned for up to 600 hours a season (Equivalent to being burned +/- 1 month @ 24/7).

Our “floor display stoves” sometimes never get burned more then the original test firing of the stove and are usually burned less then ten hours in a season.
Guaranteed to have been burned for less then 24 hours for the season.

Our “annual fixed burn stoves” “floor display stoves” come with full warranty and manual.
The stoves are thoroughly cleaned up from being used as a burn display, prior to being sold.

Any paint imperfections we see are touched up and just in case we miss anything we include a can of touch up paint, if nothing else for your future use.

Burn Demos For Sale

Floor Models For Sale

No Utility Bills Inc.
All rights reserved.
Last modified: 10/19/24