Discontinued Harman Stove Company

The associated product pages are provided for our previous Harman Stove Company customers convenience.
The product manuals are available under the Manual / Parts tab on the bottom of the pages.

* Discontinued Harman Products That We Have Carried *

Harman TL200 Exception Wood Stove
Harman Fireluxe Gas Stove
Harman P38 Manual Ignition Pellet Stove
Harman P61 Manual Ignition Pellet Stove

Discontinued / Sold Product Line That Is Now Being Produced By Legacy Stoves

Harman Mark I Coal Stove
Harman Mark II Coal Stove
Harman Mark II Coal Stove
Harman SF 250 Coal Stove
Harman TLC 2000 Wood & Coal Stove

No Utility Bills Inc.
All rights reserved.
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