Typical Types of 2100 Degree Insulated Chimney Installations

Chimneys are required to extend at least 3 feet above the highest point
where they pass through the roof of a building and at least 2 feet
higher than any portion of a building within 10 feet.

Chimney Height Chart To Meet The 3, 2, 10 Foot Rule Above The Roof

Typical Types of 2100 Degree Insulated Chimney Installations

Insulated Chimney Offset Installation
Applies any chimney installation where an offset is required to maintain clearances.

Cathedral Ceiling Chimney Installation

Out The Wall Chimney Installation

Single Storey Chimney Installation

Single Storey With Basement or Two Storey Chimney Installation

Roof Supported Chimney Installation

Two Storey With Basement or Three Storey Chimney Installation

No Utility Bills Inc.
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Last modified: 01/22/25