Insurance & Your Indoor Alternative Heat Source
Do you currently use coal, grain, pellets, wood, etc. to heat your building?

Does your current insurance policy cover you?

 F.Y.I. there are two classes of insurance for the burning of an
alternative fuel (coal, grain, wood, etc.) appliance :

Class 1) the burning of an alternative fuel as "cosmetic"
- in the case of wood usually defined as the burning of
 less then one to two cords a year for "cosmetic" purposes

Class 2) the burning of an alternative fuel as your "primary source of heat"
- in the case of wood it is usually defined as burning of
more then one to two cords of wood a year to heat your home.

How much alternative fuel do you burn?

Is an alternative fuel the "primary source of heat" for your building?

Which insurance policy do you in fact have?

Read the fine print as there is usually a 25% premium to your insurance
policy to have an "indoor alternative fuel appliance" as your "primary source of heat"!

Check with your policy provider and be honest with them if you
expect to be able collect in the event of a insurance claim.

Most insurance company's will also require a backup heat system to any alternative heat source (boiler, fireplace, heater, furnace, etc), they seem to think that electricity, fuel oil, natural gas and propane are a more reliable fuel as a heat source for your building?

F.Y.I. Insurance companies treat pellet & grain stoves the same as wood stoves.

But they treat fireplaces different. So long as you burn under their allotted wood for the
season they normally will not charge you a premium on your insurance policy, even though the
new EPA fireplaces are as efficient as a wood stove. Some are even rated as a furnace!

No Utility Bills Inc.
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Last modified: 01/22/25