Here are a list
of some terms you may encounter when reading through our web
We have tried to make explanations as easy to understand as
possible, but if you are still un-clear please feel free to
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Aperture: The part of the collector
through which light enters. For evacuated tubes this refers to
the cross-sectional surface area of the outer clear glass tube
measured using the internal diameter, not the outside diameter.
(Eg. 0.0548m x 1.72m = 0.094m2). 1.72m is the exposed
length of the evacuated tube.
Absorber: The part of the collector that actively absorbs the light rays. For solar tubes this is defined as the cross-sectional area of the inner tube (selective coated) measured using the outside diameter. (Eg. 0.047 x 1.72m = 0.08m2) This value is used when calculating efficiency values. For solar tube collectors with reflective panels, the entire circumferential surface area of the inner tube is often used when calculating absorber area, as the reflective panel is supposed to reflect light onto underside of the evacuated tube. The Apricus AP solar collector does not use reflective panels, learn why by clicking here.
BTU - Stands for British Thermal Units. This is an imperial unit of measurement for heat widely used in the US and also in the UK. The conversion to the metric unit kWh is: 1 kWh = 3412Btu, and for surface area values, 1kWh/m2/day = 314Btu/ft2/day
Collector - A solar collector is not really a solar water heater. A solar water heater is a system which may include a tank, pump, controller and solar collector panel. A solar collector is that part of the system which absorbs the sun's energy and converts it into heat. The Apricus AP model is separate from the tank as so is a solar collector.
Celsius -
The metric unit for temperature measurement. Convert as follows:
Fahrenheit = (oC x 1.8) + 32
Celsius = (oF - 32)/1.8
For Delta-T measurements the relative temperature difference is
Eg. Delta-T = 7oC turn pump on, Delta-T 2oC
turn pump off. How much is that in oF??
The conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius is simple:
Fahrenheit = oC x 1.8
Celsius = oF / 1.8
Delta-T Controller: Delta-T refers to the difference in two temperatures. This term is often use in relation to a solar controller. In such case the Delta-T is the difference between the solar collector temperature and the temperature of the water in the solar storage tank. A Delta-T controller can be configured to turn on the pump when the Delta-T difference exceeds a certain level (Eg.7oC / 12.7oF) and off again when the temperature difference drops below another setting (Eg. 2oC / 3.6oF). The controller turns on the pump when there is heat potential in the manifold. A Delta-T controller can also be used to provide freeze protection by circulating warm water from the tank through the manifold when the manifold temperature drops below 5oC.
Solar collector efficiency is usually expressed as a
percentage value, or in a performance graph. When assessing a
collector's performance make sure it is based on absorber area.
Flat plate collector's absorber area and gross area is almost
the same, whereas evacuated tube collector absorber area is
usually only around half of the gross area. When comparing two
collectors, not only the performance graph need be considered.
IAM values have a significant influence on actual heat output
throughout the day. Looking at just the percentage efficiency
value will not give a true indication of daily heat output.
Efficiency testing is usually completed by testing bodies such
SRCC and other government approved testing bodies.
Tm* is the x axis value on performance graphs for solar
Tm* is calculated as:
(water temp - ambient temp)/Insolation
Eg. (44oC - 20oC)/800Watts = 0.03
For more information on efficiency please
click here.
Flow Rate: The volume of water flowing through plumbing in a given period of time. Usually measured in volume/minute or volume/hour. 1 Litre/min = 0.264 US Gallon/min
Gross Area: The total surface area of the collector including the frame, manifold and absorber. This area is often used when comparing collectors, but a better comparison to use is value for money. Roof size is not usually a limiting factor for domestic solar water heating installations, so the size of the collector is not really that important.
Heat Pipe: An evacuated rod or pipe used for heat transfer. Click here for more information.
Insolation: Don't confuse this with insulation - the one letter change makes a big difference. Insolation refers to the amount of sunlight falling on the earth. Click here to learn more
Insulation: The ability to protect against transfer of heat/cold. Apricus AP solar collectors use compressed glass wool to insulate the header from heat loss. Glass wool has excellent insulation properties, is very light and can withstand high temperatures, making it an ideal choice for a solar collector. It is made from a least 80% old glass bottles and can be recycled so is very environmentally friendly.
Irridance, Irridation: Basically the same as Insolation - explained above.
Incidence Angle Modifier (IAM): refers to the change in performance as the sun's angle in relation to the collector surface changes. Perpendicular to the collector (usually midday) is expressed as 0o, with negative and positive angles in the morning and afternoon respectively. Collectors with a flat absorber surface, which includes some types of evacuated tubes, only have 100% efficiency at midday (0o), whereas Apricus solar tubes provide peak efficiency mid morning and mid afternoon, at around 40o from perpendicular. This results in good stable heat output for most of the day.
Pressure: Refers to the water pressure in the system. The conversions for the most commonly used units are: 1 bar = 1.02kg/cm2 = 14.5psi = 100kPa = 0.1Mpa = 10m water head
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