This Is A Discontinued Product
As far as we can tell Global Hydronics
is no longer in business.

Warranty for products manufactured by
Global Hydronics is provided by Global Hydronics.

If you have a problem with a Global Hydronics product
you can to try contact Global Hydronics. directly.

Features & Specifications

This product page is provided for our
previous customers convenience.

Find Our Current Available Boilers Here

We carry "electronic parts" and door gasket kits
that are the direct replacement

for the "Global Hydronics" brand name boilers.

Our current equivalent product =
Titan II Model Multi-Fuel 20" Stoker Boiler

The associated Titan links are the direct replacement for the Global Hydronics brand name products.

Fuel Stoker Coal
Approx. Output 500,000 Btu
- 600,00 Btu
Inlets & Outlets 2 Each - 1-1/4"
Weight +/- 1800lb
Fluid Capacity 200 US Gallons
Loading Door Size 25" x 24"
Stoker Diameter Cast Iron 22"
Chimney Size 10"
Depth 74"
Width 64"
Height 90"